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Sämtliche Evangelien im Taschenformat beinhalten das komplette Johannesevangelium einschließlich Informationen über eine persönliche Beziehung zu Jesus Christus.

Do You Need a Mulligan?

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Gospel Spezifikationen:


Maße (geschlossen):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Maße (offen):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


English Standard Version

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Gospel Spezifikationen:


Maße (geschlossen):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Maße (geöffnet):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


English Standard Version

Über dieses Produkt: Gospel:

This Gospel of John cover, sponsored by Old Pro Resources, asks a question that any golfer can relate to: "Do you need a Mulligan?" We all find ourselves in need of a mulligan at times, and God provided the Ultimate Mulligan -- a chance to start life fresh -- through Jesus Christ.

This picture of a golf ball stuck in the deep rough, by photographer Dennis Swanson, illustrates the state of our lives when we've messed up and find ourselves living outside the smooth fairway of God's plan for our lives.

Like all our Gospels of John, the booklet includes a plan
of Salvation and a decision page. A QR code on the back
provides a quick link to learn more about God.

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